With so much anxiety, isolation and stress due to this COVID pandemic and recent American political warfare, it is important to counter-act that intense and negative energy with the calming and peaceful properties of Larimar and stones alike.
The Larimar stone holds the energy of peace, serenity and calmness. The energy within Larimar is particularly good for calming emotions caused by anger, frustration, stress and anxiety. It has a unique energy that does not hold you back in life but helps you make your dreams come true.

The Larimar stone is also known as pectolite - which comes from the Greek pektos meaning woven or braided together . Larimar stones are very useful to help us work with our chakras to open them up so they can be cleansed fully. This means that Larimar stones especially help our 3rd eye chakra - allowing us to explore clairvoyance abilities, see into the future through pre-cognition and meditation.
The Larimar stone emits a wonderful healing energy which can help us when we are in emotional turmoil, this applies to the Larimar stone when placed on our third eye chakra. We may experience much better clarity of mind allowing us to see issues that we didn't see before and to work them through in a positive way. The Larimar stone will also help you strengthen your confidence and self esteem without becoming arrogant or egotistical along the way. It brings calmness and serenity into life so all round it is a beneficial gemstone for anyone who wants to live their life with more peace, love and happiness!
Larimar stones hold very special energies within them because they transmit such beautiful energies from Atlantis. It is even written in the legends of Atlantis that Larimar stones were used by the people to create beauty and to bring peace, love and happiness into their lives.

The Larimar stone has a gentle calming effect on all who work with it and place its energy around them. If you're feeling stressed out and anxious then take some Larimar stones into your hands for a couple of minutes and feel how wonderful they are!
The Larimar stone also helps us to work with our chakras to open them up so they can be cleansed fully. This means that Larimar stones help our 1st (root) chakra - allowing us to use good grounding techniques; Larimar stones allow excellent grounding energies through them which sends excess energy downwards to earth where it can be used in the best way.
The Larimar stone emits a wonderful healing energy which can help us when we are in emotional turmoil, this applies to the Larimar stones when placed on our 1st (root) chakra. We may experience much better grounding enabling us to let go of issues that have been troubling us for too long and take hold of life with more determination. The Larimar stone will also increase your deep connection with mother nature allowing you to put into practice good grounding techniques without getting too stressed or anxious about anything!
Larimar stones hold very special energies within them because they transmit such beautiful energies from Atlantis. It is even written in the legends of Atlantis that Larimar stones were used by the people to create beauty and to bring peace, love and happiness into their lives.

Larimar is a stone of mental clarity, awareness and enhancement. It can be used to aid the remembering of past lives, both recent and ancient. Larimar is also useful for strengthening our sense of self within this incarnation; helping us to see where we might be "stuck" or in need of growth. It may stimulate deeper understandings regarding relationships with others (ourselves, family, friends) and stimulating greater understanding of our place in the world.
The Larimar stone emits energies that are beneficial for mental disorders such as insanity or delusions; improving memory it also helps particularly with Alzheimer's disease. The Larimar stone has an extremely positive energy when placed around people who are recovering from drug problems - calming them down allowing them to open up with love and warmth to those around them with a positive outlook on life.

Do you have any Larimar in your home or office? Large or small - it may benefit you to have some around!
Currently, I do have 3 pairs of Larimar earrings in stock. If you are looking for Larimar crystals they can be hard to find at affordable prices. If you want to seek one out, I will search on your behalf. Let me know! Thank you...
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